Stumbling for Visitors

There is a method of traffic generation called comment marketing.  The idea is that you visit blogs that are within your niche, and then leave a relevent comment to a post.  The subsequent visitors to the blog are then given the opportunity to follow your comment link back to your website.

This method only works for blog commenting systems that allow a Name/URL for commenting.

Don’t enter your real name in the Name field.  Find a good keyword rich phrase for your name.  Look for phrases that are tasteful and not too spammy if you want your comments to be approved.  You will find that some comments are held for moderation, and others are automatically approved.  While these links are typically ‘No Follow’ (meaning the SERPs won’t give you any juice) you will benefit from qualified visitors to your website.

So I just set up the Sociable plugin for one of my WordPress blogs tonight, and noticed that was one of the bookmarking icons included.  So I headed over to StumbleUpon to bookmark a recent blog entry.  Soon after that I realized that I had burned 20 minutes aimlessly surfing websites.

I decided to Stumble my Niche.  The next thing you know, I’m stumbling websites and blogs in my niche area.  This has done two things for me.  It has gotten the creative writing juices flowing by seeing what others in my niche are doing.  It has also had me Stumbling onto blogs in my niche that I have been able to do some comment marketing on.  I realized that this could be a way to put comment marketing into overdrive.  StumbleUpon is known for driving traffic.  It has the ability to send large volumes of traffic to websites.

So it seems natural that you can benefit from a website’s StumbleUpon popularity by having your comment posts on those sites.  Once you comment, give it a thumbs up, and help kick it into overdrive.  The website owner will appreciate it, and so might you.  And want to increase your chances of having your comment approved?  After making an intelligent comment, tell the author it was a great post and that you gave him a thumbs up.

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